Impact of Yoga on quality of life and role of social media


  • Satyam k Singh Department of Yoga, Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan
  • Sandeep Dongre Department of Yoga, Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan



Life, media, social progress, holistic, quality, superior, sevenfold, moral, spiritual, invaluable, Upanishads, values, liberation.


Yoga is the art of living. Yoga is an invaluable heritage given by the ancient Vedic sages of India. Which has been propagated all over the world. In this research paper, how it is possible to achieve various dimensions of life through Yoga and how effective social media has proven and can be in that, has been discussed. In this research paper, the role of media in studying the effect of yoga on body, mind and soul and propagating yoga has been discussed. Various dimensions of quality of life - physical, mental, physical



How to Cite

Singh, S. k, & Dongre, S. (2024). Impact of Yoga on quality of life and role of social media. Journal of Communication and Management, 3(02), 141–144.