COVID-19 and Shopping Trends: A Study of How the Pandemic Affected Consumer Behaviour in Vadodara


  • Nikita Chandola Department of Journalism and Communication, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Gujarat, India
  • Nidhi Shendurnikar Department of Journalism and Communication, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Gujarat, India



Consumer behavior, COVID-19, E-shopping, internet, Pandemic, Shopping


The internet has become an essential and inseparable component of our daily life. This is particularly apparent in the way we currently consume, shop, and make purchases. India quickly and successfully adopted the concept and practice of internet shopping. Nevertheless, the country still sees a healthy amount of traditional consumer buying behavior. Consumers’ buying habits and preferences underwent a significant change as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, with a shift to online shopping that was both voluntary and compulsive. The present study aims to understand the changes and influences on consumer behavior in Vadodara city (Gujarat) in the context of the pandemic. It also seeks to understand future online shopping prospects in the post-COVID scenario. An exploratory research design was employed, and a consumer survey was conducted to understand the effect the pandemic had on young shoppers (20-45 years) and their buying behavior in general. We recorded 140 responses from young adults residing in Vadodara with respect to their shopping habits, spending capacity, purchasing priorities, etc. The findings in the study show that the pandemic has not drastically influenced purchasing frequency and shopping priorities. However, COVID-19 has affected consumers’ shopping habits to some degree, especially during the lockdown period. Though old purchasing habits have started to re-emerge, from the study results, it can be inferred that some shopping behavior acquired during the pandemic is here to stay. In conclusion, the study found that despite the challenges faced, consumers have switched to o


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How to Cite

Chandola, N., & Shendurnikar, . N. (2023). COVID-19 and Shopping Trends: A Study of How the Pandemic Affected Consumer Behaviour in Vadodara. Journal of Communication and Management, 2(01), 44–52.