Generative AI Images and Indian Media Industry: An Overview of Opportunities and Challenges


  • Suchivrat Arya Bennett University, Greater Noida
  • Gunjan Sharma Times School of Media, Bennett University, Greater Noida, India.



artificial intelligence, generative AI, Media, Images


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained initial momentum in the past few years. Another side of this is Generative AI, which is growing and has the capacity to transform journalism and media content. There are speculations about the consequences of AI from creating warfare to the making of movies. This article considers notable platforms like Shutterstock, providers of stock photographs, music and editing tools and secondly, DALL.E 2-Open AI, a generative AI platform of Chat GPT.
The proposed research article aims to find out the effects of generative AI images in the media industry, the opportunities of AI generative visuals and the challenges faced by the industry due to the innovative technology. This article will also try to demonstrate the capacity and the limitations of generative AI content and reflect on the implications of generative AI for media education and journalism.



How to Cite

Arya, S., & Sharma, G. (2023). Generative AI Images and Indian Media Industry: An Overview of Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Communication and Management, 2(04), 271–274.