The Dynamics of Political Advertising: A Comprehensive Theoretical Analysis
Political Advertising, Marketing, Communication, Political Parties, Marketing Strategies, Public Opinion, Voter Behaviour, Political MarketingAbstract
Political advertising has long been integral to election campaigns, government policies and regimes in India and worldwide. They play a significant role in shaping public opinion and influencing voter behavior. We remember Eisenhower’s “I Like Ike” campaign from America to Indira Gandhi’s “Gareebi Hatao” to Narendra Modi’s “Ab Ki Baar Modi Sarkar” Campaign, and many more. This paper provides a theoretical overview of political advertising with examples of the American and Indian contexts. It explores the contrast and similarity between conventional and political advertising based on the arenas of commercial marketing and political marketing. It examines the political market’s segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) model. It further discusses the dynamism of a political marketing mix while sketching the new additions to the 4Ps, different promotional strategies, and the impact of social media on political advertising. Furthermore, it highlights relevant research studies in the field, mainly focusing on Indian studies from recent elections. Finally, it discusses the methods employed to study political advertising, identifies research gaps and suggests potential areas for future study.
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