An empirical study on Indian crime web series and its effects


  • C P Rashmi School of Media Studies, Presidency University, New Town, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
  • Lalitank Jain Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, MCU, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.



Web-series, OTT Platform, Content analysis, Impact, Crime Web-series


With the COVID-19 lockdown, the world has entered a new era of communication. Nowadays, everyone, including children, has access to smartphones, computers, tablets, and other devices that are connected to the internet. Web series have become extremely popular as a result of the easy access to OTT platforms made possible by this internet connectivity. Online series are not just becoming more and more popular; they have also been shown to be a form of addiction, as evidenced by the term “binge viewing,” where a viewer cannot stop after watching one episode and ends up watching the entire series. Binge-watching and web series are causing people to have more health and social behavior issues. The following essay attempts to analyze the social and psychological effects of the top five Indian crime web series. A survey of Indian viewers (N = 321) is conducted in addition to a content analysis of these web series, which looks at the qualitative component to provide empirical conclusions about the impact. The papers provide a comparative study as well as the formula for creating the content for these web series. The satisfaction that comes from watching these series has a significant impact on consumers, according to the survey results.


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How to Cite

C P Rashmi, & Jain, L. (2023). An empirical study on Indian crime web series and its effects. Journal of Communication and Management, 2(03), 21–26.